Etsy Finds: Curated by Kacey Musgraves

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Kacey Musgraves x Etsy collection

Kacey Musgraves’ new album, Deeper Well has a calming, clean, simple country/folk feel to it and this is reflected in the aesthetic of the video for the song Deeper Well.  As an Etsy fan, she was invited by Etsy to partner for some exclusive collaborations and to curate a moodboard that matches the aesthetic of the album.

“Etsy is a place I return to for inspiration in many facets of my life, and while making this album I kept saving pieces that felt like a true reflection of where my head was at aesthetically.” — Kacey Musgraves

Enjoy perusing through the selection of items below that Kacey selected.

In the shape of a lily pad, this set of two jewellery dishes make the perfect piece for displaying your treasured pieces.

Simple and Victorian in style, these fingerless gloves have me daydreaming of galloping through meadows in the 1800’s (preferably with a handsome Mr Darcy-type gentleman riding beside me)

Hair bows will forever hold a place in my heart, and evidently Kacey Musgraves feel the same with this pick from her.

This green ombre ring is perfectly imperfect and features a range of gemstones including hiddenite, prasiolite (green quartz/amethyst), peridot, green tourmaline, emerald and green garnet.


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